Yesterday was my birthday, and the day before that was my party. I had a ton of fun! I had a candy themed party Saturday, July 10th. It was a small party, only me, and my friends Somer, Rachel, and Mikaela, but it was still a lot of fun! We started out with cake and ice cream, my mom had made the most amazing cake! After that, we played a game where there's a sandcastle of flour with a whopper on top. You take turns cutting the mound of flour until someone make the whopper fall, the person who made the whopper fall has to pick it up with their mouth, while in the process, inevitably covering their face in flour. We payed this game many times, often with numerous whoppers on top. Throughout all of this, I was the only one who didn't once make the whopper fall. My mom suggested that I become a surgeon instead of a lawyer, I denied her suggestion. Next, we played a game in which you put socks on your hands and see who can unwrap and eat ten candy bars the fastest. I won that game, but regretted doing so when I started feeling sick. We then played a game called the Skittle Challenge. In this game, you take turns drawing two skittles out of a bowl without looking. If you get two of the same color, you can eat them, if you get two that aren't the same color, you have to put them in your mouth, but can't chew or swallow them until you draw two of the same color. You continue doing this until you have only one person left who hasn't spit theirs out. Rachel easily won this with a grand total of forty-six skittles in her mouth at one time (the highest number out of the rest of us was twenty-four.) We then did our last thing which was a candy scavenger hunt in the dark. We used flashlights to find the candy. Once we had all found all of the candies on the list, we made candy trains out of the candy we had gathered. After we were all done, we played on our Bonzai (an amazing blow up water slide) the rest of the time.
The next day was my real birthday, we started out the day with presents. My favorite was the iPod touch which was awesome! After that my parents and I went to pick up my grandpa and Annabell so we could all go out to breakfast. Annabell's birthday had been the day before and we had had a family party at her house. We went to Cracker Barrel, which has surprisingly good breakfasts. After that we had to rush to my brother Tyson's basketball game. We pretty much hung out at my house the rest of the day until seven-o-clock when we went to see Ice Age Three: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. It was REALLY good, and the perfect end to a great day!
Hello 2015
10 years ago