Yesterday, Ryan was trying to turn off all of the lights in the house so that he could see the Christmas tree lights better. My mom and I needed a light to see by though, so we turned on a light whose light switch is kind of hidden. Ryan was a little upset and asked my mom how to turn it off. She replied, "You have to say, 'abracadabra, zippide-zoo, light turn off, choo choo!'" He did so and we discreetly flipped the switch. He was amazed. "Mom, I'm magic!" he delightedly said. He did this for at least five minutes. We got tired of flipping the switch, so we told him that he should probably stop before his magic ran out. He continued to believed us and stopped. Today, after church, he came down the hall saying, "Mom, I have sad news. I'm not magic." He was on the verge of tears. Apparently, he had said the magic words, but when Tyson tried to flip the switch, he saw. "There's a switch," he sadly informed us. He then went and showed us that the magic words didn't work, someone had to flip the switch. By this point, mom and I were feeling pretty guilty for tricking him, but then he really made us feel bad. "I'm not magic," he said crying, "I'm not even special." it took us quite a while to convince him that no one was magic, and that he was still incredibly special. I feel bad that we tricked him, but he had so much fun "magically" turning on the lights!