Saturday, October 11, 2008

Frenship Middle School

I am now in the sixth grade, and boy is it different! I go to Frenship Middle School. I love all of my teachers and classes and am getting used to switching classes, but I still feel like it's a lot different from elementary! My favorite classes are Art, GT, Honors Math, and Reading. My favorite teacheres are Mr. Messerschmidt, Mrs.Schoenrock, Mrs.Robertson, and Mrs.Bills. The one thing that I don't like about middle school, is that I have to leave for school a half hour earlier than I used too, just to get there in time. Well, I still think middle school is great, and I'm glad I get to go to it!

By: Emily Cluff

1 comment:

Somer Harris said...

You go emily I'm glad you think middle school is awesome you go girl.