Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snowball Fight!

Yesterday, Tyson, Justin, Miller, Landon, and I had a giant snowball fight. The fight itself was pretty fun, but personally, I liked building the fort more than anything else. In our front yard, the snow was perfect for packing! Justin discovered that if you make a lot of snow balls, roll each of them around on the ground (like making balls for a snowman,) connect them, and then pack a lot of snow into the gaps, you can make a pretty amazing snow fort! The teams were Justin, Miller, and Tyson against Landon and I. Each team used the same method of building the snow forts, but they actually turned out pretty different. After the forts were made, we had a lot of fun pelting each other with snow balls. I'm not really sure how most people do snow ball fights, but here is how we did ours. Each team had a territory, and then some parts of the yard were free-for-all. If you got hit on the other teams territory, then you had to drop any snow balls that you were carrying, and go and touch your snow fort. None of us really knew what to do once we were on the other teams territory, so we settled for trying to steal snow balls and knock down the other teams fort (we weren't successful in doing either of these things.) We had fun while it lasted, but after a while, Miller got hurt and went inside, and then Tyson went inside because his feet were cold. 
 Mine and Landon's snow fort. We found out that ours was the strongest when Landon ran full force into it, tried to body slam it, and fell to the ground moaning. After the fight, Ryan and Abigail also enjoyed playing in it .
 Justin, Tyson, and Miller's snow fort (Tyson and Miller had both gone inside by the time we took the picture.) Part of it is missing in this picture. Tyson had been leaning on a fairly tall part, and it fell over taking Tyson with it.

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