Monday, June 7, 2010


    Okay, it has been quite a while since I've posted, and I have had quite a few things happen, but the one that I'm really excited about is the fact that I ran a 5K (3.1 miles!) It was a Memorial Day activity for the whole stake, and admittedly, I really, really, really didn't want to run it, but thankfully, it wasn't my choice. My parents made me run it, and now I'm really glad that they did. I am not even going to pretend that I ran the whole way, in fact, I ran a little more than half. Obviously, there is plenty of room for improvement. I started out running with my mom, but she wasn't doing so great. She has been doing P90X (an INCREDIBLY hard work out program,) and while that does an amazing job of improving your muscles, it doesn't make up for good, old fashioned running. She has decided that she still wants to continue P90X, because she can see improvement, but she is going to start running as well. Anyways, to make a long story short, I ended up pushing Ryan and Abigail in the jogging stroller. I'm positive that I looked ridiculous, and I'm pretty sure that Ryan and Abigail were gaining weight by the minute, but I still finished before my mom (victory!) That does not in any way though, mean that I beat my dad or Tyson, because I didn't. I don't know my time, but whether I took 10 minutes (I didn't) or 50 (I know I didn't take that long,) I still am proud that I finished, (that's more than some people can say!) I am grateful I had that fun opportunity!


Taylor said...

5ks are a lot of fun!!!! I ran one once in Beaver for the 24th of was tough but i made it. My legs were very sore for a couple days after. I didn't run the whole way either. I hope I get to see oyu sometime this summer!

-Your cousin Taylor

Somer Harris said...

Oh My Gosh!! sounds like fun! I bet that Ryan and Abigale had a fun ride too!! Haha! It was so funny how you said VICTORY!!! I bet next time you could defeat your dad and your brother! Keep on working at it. Also P90X is a way awesome intence workout program. WE NEED TO SEE EACH OTHER SOON EITHER IF IT IS IN TEXAS, MINNESOTA, OR UTAH!!!!!!!!! WE JUST NEED TO SEE EACH OTHER!!
love ya <333
