Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oh Abigail!

Lately, Abigail has found a new hobby; destroying everything in sight. Almost daily I come home to find that my room has been destroyed, and that some things are beyond hope of fixing. Already she has broken two of my necklaces, dumped out my dried flower petals more times that I bothered to count, and almost broken my dresser drawers. Yesterday, she colored on my homework that I had spent over 15 minutes on. Today, although she didn't destroy anything of mine, she did take Ryan's stamp and "decorate herself with it." This drives me crazy, but like my mom says, "At least that she should be past this phase by next year." I eagerly await the day when I can walk into my room without fear of what Abigail has done to it!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Power Outage

Today there was a huge power outage in the area I live. It only lasted a little over an hour, but it made me realize just how dependent we are on electricity. It was in the evening, so it was quite dark without any lights on. Also, I was babysitting my siblings at the time, and I sure did miss being able to just let them watch TV while I did homework and such. Even the traffic lights were out, so the police were there trying to direct the traffic. I guess that you have to have something taken away from you before you realize just how important it is!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Busy Day

Yesterday was Saturday, a day that's normally pretty busy, but especially this week. My day started at 6:45 when I had to wake up and get ready for a tennis tournament that I started at 8:00. I left at 7:30 and then stayed at the tournament until about eleven. I won my first set, but lost my second. After that I went to Tyson's soccer game (sadly they lost.) Then we went home, and I baby-sat for my mom. Shortly after we went to the Fall Fest ( a school Halloween event.) It was pretty fun, I was in charge of Abigail, so I got to help her play some of the games. I had to leave early though, because I was baby-sitting for the Stevens, a family in the ward, at six (my first time to baby-sit a family other than my own!) I got to the Stevens' at 6:15 and stayed there until exactly 11:05. The baby-sitting went well, and I enjoyed it, but by the time I got home, all that I wanted to do was go to bed!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Marshmallow Guns

This Friday our friends the Hardys and us made marshmallow guns out of plumbing pipes. We had a lot of fun. After we made the guns we spray-painted them. We all had big plans, but one by one the spray paints ran out. Let's just say that we ended up with some interesting multi-colored guns! It doesn't really matter though, we still have big plans! We have lots of ideas for games, such as Capture the Flag, Hide-and-Go-Seek Tag, and more!


This Thursday, I jammed my finger really bad! My mom was visiting teaching and Landon, Miller, Tyson, and I were playing Three Flies Up (a game played with a football-similar to Jackpot)in our backyard. We were having a lot of fun! But then while I was running to catch the ball, Tyson and Landon ran into me. The football hit my finger and I then fell on it. Well, it was all down-hill from there. I ran into the house, and waited with an icepack on my finger for about two hours until my mom got home. It's better now, but still bruised and a little swollen. I guess this is just one of those things that hurts now and you laugh about later!